Initiative Q
About Initiative Q
Initiative Q is the brainchild of Saar Wilf, a serial entrepreneur who started his first payments start-up in 1997, and later founded Fraud Sciences, which redefined the payment security space and was acquired by PayPal in 2008.
Wilf has compiled a team of experts from a variety of disciplines, including mathematics, economics, and other social sciences. The economic and monetary models were developed with Economist Lawrence White, a professor of monetary theory and policy at George Mason University. White has published numerous articles and books on monetary theory and banking, including The Theory of Monetary Institutions, Free Banking in Britain, and The Clash of Economic Ideas.
The idea behind Initiative Q is to first create a critical mass of users, which can then be harnessed to create the world’s best payment network. Therefore, our primary focus is to get millions of Q members registered, after which we will continue recruiting the world’s top professionals in payment systems, macroeconomics, and Internet technologies. For more information, contact
What is currency worth?
Every Q network member wants to know how valuable Qs can become. If Initiative Q succeeds in creating a world leading payment network, it is expected that all Qs reserved today for members will eventually be granted at a value of roughly one US dollar per Q.
The following economic model explains the reasoning behind this estimate and the mechanisms used to maintain the long-term value of Qs along with the growth of the Q network.
Value: the Equation of Exchange
The value of a currency is affected by multiple factors. The equation of exchange introduces the “velocity of money”, defined as the total expenditures (or income) in that currency, divided by the money supply (the total amount of currency in circulation). The world’s total economic activity is around 100 trillion US dollars, and the total amount of money in the world is between 40 and 90 trillion dollars (depending on the definition of money). This gives a global average velocity of money of around 2, which indicates that each unit of currency changes hands roughly twice a year. In other words, at any given time people hold money balances equal to around half a year’s worth of income (or purchases).
Therefore, in order to estimate the value of all Qs, we need to estimate the volume of transactions on the network as well as the velocity of money.
Volume: The global volume of credit card purchases is over 20 trillion dollars annually. Since Initiative Q's unique distribution method solves the adoption problem and opens the gates to many new payment technologies (learn more),1 buyers and sellers will prefer it to credit cards. Q retail volume is thus projected at 5-20 trillion dollars, assuming successful worldwide adoption.2
Velocity of money: In the long term, Initiative Q’s goal is for Qs to be used as a primary currency, meaning its velocity should be similar to the global average of 2. This goal will be achieved by financially incentivizing the use of Qs for all types of transactions, including wholesale, salaries, and investments. Additionally, Q will have a target inflation rate of zero, making it more attractive as a long-term holding compared to standard currencies (which usually lose over 2% a year to inflation).
Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that in the early stages, members will hold reserves as low as one month’s worth of expenses, resulting in a velocity of 12.
Dividing the economic activity estimate in the event of successful market adoption (5-20 trillion dollars) by the velocity estimate (2-12) results in a total value of between half a trillion to 10 trillion dollars.
Value: A cryptocurrency comparison
An alternative approach to estimating the value of Qs is by studying the cryptocurrency market, which is another attempt to create a new currency. So far, cryptocurrencies have failed as currencies. Their focus is on ensuring scarcity (i.e. that no one can easily generate new coins), but they neglect stability of value and ease of use. This makes them ill-suited for trade, with nearly all activity fueled by speculation (see more about the shortcomings of cryptocurrencies).
Despite these shortcomings, the market value of cryptocurrencies reached nearly 1 trillion USD. It is not far-fetched to assume that a currency that is designed to meet the market’s true needs (stability of value, ease of use, etc.), and is exclusively coupled to a superior payment network, should surpass this number.
Value of one Q
The Q rewards reserved today are from a supply of 2 trillion Q. This means that of the rewards would be available for use at a rate of one USD when all Qs reach a value of 2 trillion US dollars, a realistic estimate assuming wide scale adoption, as shown above.
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